• How can I place an Order?
  • After you've added all the items you want to purchase to your shopping cart, please follow these steps:

    For Checkout:

    Click on the "Shopping Cart" icon, then proceed to the Checkout page.

    Fill in all the necessary shipping and billing details.

    Proceed to the "Shipping Method" section and select your preferred shipping option.

    Move on to the "Payment Method" section and choose your preferred payment method.

    Review all the provided information, including the products in your cart, your shipping address, billing address, and payment details.

    Click "Proceed to Payment" and keep an eye on your email for the order confirmation.

    Click "Confirm Order" to complete your purchase, and check your email once again for the order confirmation.

  • I haven’t received an order confirmation email- What should I do?
  • A confirmation email for your order is a digital receipt that should be sent to your email within one hour of placing your order. If you haven't received it in your primary inbox, please check your junk or spam folder. If you still can't locate it, please get in touch with us at [insert contact information].

  • How can I be certain that you've received my order? 
  • You'll receive an order confirmation email, which will serve as proof that your order has been successfully registered in our system. If you don't receive this email, kindly reach out to us at nourretailofficial@gmail.com for assistance or reach out via WhatsApp at +44 7563 142981

  • Can an order be available for store pickup?
  • Unfortunately, we do not offer store pickups yet.


  • What are my payment choices?
  • You can pay with Debit or Credit Cards (including Visa Debit, Visa, Mastercard, and AMEX) or opt for Bank Transfer. To confirm a bank transfer payment, please send an email to nourretailofficial@gmail.com or reach out via WhatsApp at +44 7563 142981 and provide proof of the transfer.

  • Is it secure to utilize my credit/debit card for payments? 
  • Rest assured, your payment details on our website undergo processing within a thoroughly encrypted and secure platform. Your information is treated with the utmost confidentiality, and access to it is limited to authorized personnel only.

  • What should I do if my payment is unsuccessful? 
  • If you encounter a payment failure, please double-check the accuracy of the payment details you've provided. In the event that your account is debited after a payment failure, the funds are typically refunded to your bank account within 7 business days. For any inquiries or clarifications, please reach out to us via email at nourretailofficial@gmail.com or via WhatsApp at +44 7563 14298, including your order number.

  • Is it acceptable to have a billing address that differs from the shipping address?
  • Certainly, you have the option to designate a distinct billing address. Just select the 'Use a different billing address' choice within the 'Billing Address' section during the checkout process.


  • What are the shipping charges? 
  • While we do provide estimated delivery times for each item in our listings, it's important to understand that these are approximate guidelines. They can't be guaranteed with 100% certainty due to the unique nature of our products, which are sourced individually and custom-stitched. Some items may experience delays beyond the upper limit of the estimated delivery time frame.

    If you have a specific date in mind for when you need the items, we strongly encourage you to communicate this with us before placing your order. You can also include the required delivery date in the order notes to ensure we are aware of your time constraints.

  • How many delivery attempts will the courier company make if I'm not available to receive my order?
  • Our delivery partners will make two delivery attempts. It's essential to ensure that the address details, including the country and area code, provided during the order placement are accurate. If the delivery is unsuccessful after the second attempt, the item(s) will be returned to us.